Baytara Pharmaceutical Technologies Co.

Baytara Pharmaceutical Technologies Factory is a civilizational leap in the field of pharmaceutical manufacturing of veterinary pharmaceuticals at the level of the Arab Republic of Egypt, where it is considered the sister offspring of Delta Vet Center Company

(Dr. Hamid EL-Banna) and is considered an extension of Delta Vet Center’s long history in the field of animal production, which started from 1980 until now.

The design of the Baytara factory was taken into account in full compliance with international technical specifications in buildings and technical equipment, while supplying the factory with all technical devices of modern international technology from devices and equipment on The latest global technology and its examples...

*High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)*

* Atomic Absorption / Sepectrophotomotor *

* Automated Fiber Analyzer (A200)*

* Protein, Fat, Mycotoxin Detectors*

Baytara factory is also distinguished by its unique location in the industrial city of Sadat City, Menoufia Governorate, due to its proximity to animal production activities in Menoufia and Giza governorates and the desert road projects.

Baytara factory is also characterized by the presence of a modern laboratory to serve breeders and feed factories by conducting standard analyzes to ensure accuracy and international quality, and thus achieving success and abundant profit, as the laboratory provides the following services:

Estimation of the percentage of protein, fiber, fat, moisture and soft toxins in feed and grains

- water analysis All diagnostic tools for microbiological examination to diagnose bacterial diseases A viral for poultry and animal farms.

The first production of Baytara Pharmaceutical Technologies has already started in 2014.

There are a number of preparations, some of which are in this booklet, and we will proceed successively to complete the rest Production of lotions, which have so far exceeded 50 products.

company official

Dr. Hamed EL-Banna

Chairman of Board of Directors.

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